This happened to my buddy Karl once.

Pretty bare bones at the moment, but a VERY solid foundation for what should be a great game. DRG Survivors adds onto the new "Survivor" genre through the addition of base DRG's core mechanics, most prominently digging, which adds a new level of setpiece based mechanics and strategy that works great.

I'm not sure if this was worth the $13.50 I paid for it, as I will keep playing it as it gets developed, enjoying new content and mechanics as they get added. I expect I will get my money's worth. This early version already got me more than halfway there with over 8 hours of enjoyment before it started to feel same-y.

Reviewed on Feb 23, 2024

1 Comment

2 months ago

Same for me, it took me around 9 hours until I finally beat a dive and unlocked the third biome, then after giving it a go I finally realized "Oh, I guess there's not much else here beyond weapon unlocks." But I will continue to play, not quite as frequently, and unlock weapons until they add other cool stuff from the original DRG.