A combination of Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons' puzzle/cinematic platformer gameplay and Little Nightmares' panic horror, wrapped up in Nordic folklore themeing.

The gameplay is varied enough that it kept my insterest trought the 4 hours of my playtrough. Some people think the game is too short but I feel like the lenght is just perfect, making it any longer would have just made it feel padded out. There are already so many awesome moments and setpieces in the campaign. Graphically, it's obvious that it's a smaller indie game but the environmental design and atmosphere are superb and more than make up for any visual shortcomings.

Bramble: The Mountain King is a very charming and memorable experience. It's competently made and clearly with a ton of passion. If you like horror and don't mind the occasional cinematic moments, It's definitely worth a playtrough.

Reviewed on Jul 13, 2023
