I had high hopes going into Labyrinth of Refrain and for the most part It did not disappoint, there was a moment while playing this where I thought Refrain could genuinely surpass Mary Skelter and become the best DRPG I've ever played, unfortunately all of that went out the window when I got to the postgame, It was already on it's way out leading up to the end of the maingame, the common battles had devolved into mindless auto attacking, press Y and fast forward, and even then they still take forever. the gameplay really peaks during the bossfights which are a ton of fun and ask a lot of you which makes it feel awesome when you win! But personally I don't feel like there's enough of them and getting from one boss to the next can also take a while. However the game really challenged me when I got to the postgame, everything positive I felt about the game just disappeared and I honestly wanted to drop it, nothing could have prepared me for the amount of grinding I had to do to get through it, and even when I did, it didn't feel worth it. For what it's worth the maingame is fine and the story and it's characters are incredibly engaging and had me at the edge of my seat for most of it, so if you don't care about 100% I would highly recommend Labyrinth of Refrain, otherwise... Maybe think about it and do your research, this game will test you. 6/10

Reviewed on Jan 28, 2024
