Loved the characters, the writing, the world and at first the gameplay. On a second playthrough, the gameplay of the PSP version falls short. This is probably because the psp version changed up the original combat system and made it worse. If the OG system was there I'd rate it as 5/5 tbh. I can't think of any problems I had with the game.

I loved the characters and their bond, I loved all the things you could discover through talking to NPCs and I loved the banger story which had no downtime, filler or bad moments. There is also more to pick up from the game as on a second playthrough, all the hints, foreshadowing and clues become much more obvious and you realise that the game had been hinting at the big plot stuff for hours before it actually happened.

Conclusion, it was my second persona game and quite frankly is in my top 5 MegaTen games rn. A must play for anyone who enjoys MegaTen and good stories

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2021


1 year ago

the OG system is there, you can choose whether you played the PS1 version or the PSP version

1 year ago

Don't remember the psp port that well but I'm gonna say you're wrong for the lolz

1 year ago

You dont remember the psp port but you have it set as the console you finished the game on? Lol

1 year ago

its been 2 years since i beat this game you insufferable loser

1 year ago

What makes PSP's battle system worse? Compared to PSX.