---Back in the early arcade era of video gaming, the medium was still getting it's footing. A lot of the greatest and most influential games come from this era, but that doesn't mean most of them have aged particularly well. Unfortunately I think Defender falls into this group, which I'm disappointed by. I was initially excited to play this game as it comes from the mind of Eugene Jarvis, co-creator of one of my favorite early arcade titles: Robotron 2084. However, once I picked up this game and started playing it, I knew I would come to dread the coming playthroughs.
---Now, for context, part of Defender's legacy is it's difficulty. This is one of the games that convinced developers at the time that players were seeking more challenging and complex experiences. While I do think some of Defender's challenge can be engaging, like protecting the citizens on earth and surviving waves of aliens, there's also a lot that makes me sigh. Mostly because of the kind of stuff that comes from early, rudimentary design, or the quarter munching goals of cabinet manufacturers. Things like shots coming at a pace faster than you can react to them, or ships that are programmed to smash into you at a moment's notice. This kind of stuff is what really bogged down the experience of Defender for me.
----Still, I really like the visuals here. The eccentric, rainbow hue visuals Robotron would become known for show up here. The ship itself looks great, especially it's thruster effect. I also love the trails of the bullets, and the explosions of objects. I even like the touch of the illusion of elevation on the ground below. And for what it's worth, the ship in Defender has an interesting control behavior where it's not quite responsive, causing you to think before you turn. Still, with Defender's want of super-precise shots and look-ahead camera, there are more things that hamper this classic arcade experience. I don't think many modern audience members will want to replay this for very long. - [04/10]

Reviewed on Nov 08, 2020
