Already a 7 by default just for the fact that it has Crash Bandicoot 2 on it (feel free to read my review for that game seperately), remastered faithfully and done so well that it outright goes toe to toe with the original. You can literally play either, it's all personal preference. Even the remake of the
entire soundtrack still slaps.

However, included we also have additional content for each game, as well as Crash Bandicoot 1 overhauled to have the same controls as Crash Bandicoot 2, which does so much to make this game more enjoyable and age far better.

Crash Bandicoot 3 has received the same faithful remaster as 2, however I think you should only really be buying this for 1 and 2 - those are must plays, (Crash Bandicoot 1 is only really especially worth revisiting on this trilogy). Crash Bandicoot 3 is faithfully remade for better or worse - it has lots of mediocre / annoying gameplay switch-ups, as if the jetpack levels from Crash 2 weren't annoying already, now we have scuba diving too. Woo. The levels also just aren't as charming, and they are generally just more annoying. To this day, I've never brought myself to play more than half of Crash Bandicoot 3. It seems to definitely be one people only like for nostalgia to be honest.

Unfortunately I haven't finished this incredible remaster yet - I finished 1, but not done all the trials as of yet, but the reason being I had recently completed the original version of 2 when I bought the game and so I just haven't picked it back up yet. Would absolutely recommend.

Removed my rating due to rating the games seperately.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2024
