The original Diamond/Pearl I'd give a 9/10.
However, unlike the remakes of Ruby/Sapphire, this remake is extremely bland, and basically a copy paste of the originals but with less charm and less innovation.
I got no real sense of nostalgia or excitement playing this game which is a shame because the original is so good and was the source of hundreds of hours of fun.
What bumped this game up ever so slightly for me was the underground expansion, and even that wasn't as good as it was hyped up to be.
They need to add a hard mode to Pokemon these days, or AT LEAST let us turn off the Exp Share, because this game is far too easy and the Exp Share is absolutely broken. I only blacked out once, and that was against the champion AND only cos I missed the move that would have won me the game.
The main joy I got out of this was being able to actually get Mew/Manaphy/Phione/Jirachi legitimately for the first time in years, and that really had nothing to do with the game

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2022
