If someone says that this is their favourite game, they are either lying, or blinded by nostalgia.

While this game has incredible charm, art style, dialogue, music, sound, the gameplay is extremely painful for a good portion of the time. In my opinion this game is about 33% too long and forces you to collect too much to allow a casual playthrough.

The boss battle at the end feels like total bs when you lose because you're then required to farm eggs & feathers again to have a chance.

I won't say I didn't have any fun in this game because there were a lot of points where I did, however the most frustrating parts overshadowed them; whether the camera made it impossible to see or the framerate dropped to ~10.

With all this said, I am going to eventually play the sequel, and I hope that they largely improve upon these issues, since this was Rare's first 3D platformer

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2022

1 Comment

Gonna hard disagree with that first statement as I know plenty of people who played it for the first time recently and loved it. Also you dont need to grind for eggs and feathers, just use the refill stations right before grunty lol