You could tell the creator left after the second game. This one is just so much lackluster after the first two.
It feels so much less charming, the king's dialogue feels "fake" somehow, it was a lot less fun reading the dialogue. It sucks because I love Katamari's weird charm, but this game just wasn't it.
The gameplay was the same, but there was only like, 5 levels that weren't just "get this big!" which is kind of like the first game, but the first game is a lot more enjoyable than this for reasons ill explain right now. First of all, getting bigger feels so much more underwhelming compared to the previous. You get to like, 1000m but it all feels so lackluster because of the way things are designed. By around the second half of the game, to extend the playtime, after you're finished with the quota in one map, you're transported to another and now you have to get the quota in THAT map. All, and I mean almost ALL, levels are only 5 minutes, so repeat this 2 or 3 times to make 20 minute levels and getting to like 300m minimum. Because you get 5 minutes to go from 70m to 500m, it all feels so quick and makes the feeling of growing bigger lose its charm. This was all done probably because it's a handheld game, so why did they have to make a katamari handheld game?!?!? The controls are also not the best, you get used to them after a while, but they're still pretty shitty even after that.
The music is good, but there are only a few original tracks. All songs during the stages, except for the game's main theme "Katamari on the Funk" are straight up taken from Damacy and We Love. I like the songs, but it just continues feeling like the game doesn't have much of an identity outside of "Katamari handheld".
This game is fine if you REALLY wanna play Katamari on the go, but these days remakes of the first two fantastic games are available on Switch and Steam Deck. So nowadays theres no reason to play this game unless you're like me and want to see what every Katamari game has to offer.

Reviewed on Aug 26, 2023
