Disgaea 5 is a really well done game and something all fans of SRPG's should try out if you've never tried this entry or even the series.
Gameplay wise there is a ton of things to do here. You have multiple classes in this game, which come with its own exclusive skills, and also different types of weapons you can equip, that can also give it's own unique type of skill. Not only that but the game has a superb way to grind for levels, items, money, and skill points (mana) without it feeling to long or boring. It's honestly pretty impressive. I can mention more things about the gameplay mechanics, but there's just way too much, and they are also optional too. I will say though, if you think after reading this that it sounds a bit overwhelming, I can promise you that it doesn't. The game slowly introduces you these options, and it never feels like you actively have to do all of them to win the game either.
Story wise it's honestly really fun. Disgaea is known for their humerous and often witty writing, and the fifth entry still does that very well. The overall plot may be a bit predictable, but the journey really is what makes this game truly special. The main characters in the story may seem like stereotypical archetypes from anime's or tv shows, but they really progress as you go through the story and skits that come by. Additionally, the skits are some of the funniest things you'll read. I swear I openly laughed at a ton of them.
Disgaea 5 complete also comes with lots of DLC content, such as rare items, weapons, free characters, and DLC stories. I was genuinely surprised at how engaging or fun some of these stories were, that it made me almost get the other entries to the series.
I do have some cons about the game, but that'd be more nitpicking than an actual problem with it. Such as me not liking the antagonist, not liking Chara world (game mechanic to boost stats), and thinking the chapter selection screen is messy.
All in all, Disgaea 5 is an engaging SRPG with tons of content to enjoy with a fun cast to laugh with!

Reviewed on Aug 20, 2023
