Baldur’s Gate 3 took me a while to get into. I tried time and time again to see the magic behind this game that everyone who’s played it had experienced. And yet, I couldn’t. Really, I nearly gave up on it. But I decided to give it one last whirl and I’m so glad that I did because it’s one of the definitive RPG experiences ever made.

In every area, Baldur’s Gate 3 goes as far as possible as you can imagine. Character and class creation? There are several races which grant unique dialogue and options throughout the story. And that’s ditto for the classes themselves. Combat? Honestly, I can’t even properly get into this one because I’m still wrapping my mind around all the different ways to get through a fight. Exploration? There are zones upon zones in Baldur’s Gate 3, some of which I only discovered because of YouTube recommendations.

But, for me, the star attribute of this game is the dialogue. The sheer amount of options amazes me. Just when I think there can’t possibly be an option for what I’ve done, there is. It’s absolutely unreal.

And what’s equally impressive is the voice acting game, an aspect of video games that I feel gets long neglected by the video game press. But in Baldur’s Gate 3, it’s perfect. I legitimately have no notes. Every single character is played perfectly. Every single line is delivered as it should be. This game has a ton of characters too. It really shouldn’t be possible. And I’ve fallen for so many of them. Shadowheart, Astarion, Karlach, Lae’zel, Gale, Jaheira, Wyll, and Halsin make up maybe the best cast in any RPG I’ve played. They’re all such rich characters whom I cared so deeply about. And I hadn’t realized the depth of my feelings about those characters til the adventure and we inevitably had to part ways (except for me and Shadowheart cause I romanced her lol). Seeing them again in the epilogue filled me with joy and excitement to see where they had gone and what they done in the time since.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is overwhelming. There’s no way around that. That may intimidate some from experiencing it. It did for me on more than a few occasions. But you should. It’s a game that sincerely wants you to experience its world and live in it. It will try to make every moment worthwhile. And that’s priceless.

Reviewed on May 31, 2024
