Mosaic 2019

Log Status






Time Played

3h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

May 30, 2022

Platforms Played


Mosaic is a surrealist, existentialist game about being stuck in a rut, whether it's a job you hate, a relationship you feel trapped in or just that feeling that there's more to life than what you're experiencing.

Krillbite achieves this by using more or less the same principle it did in The Plan and Sunlight, albeit on a much larger scale. The atmosphere is absolutely soul-crushing, the bleak art style does an excellent job of conveying the feeling of helplessness and depression and the minimalist soundtrack feels like the walls are closing in all around you.

Krillbite even finds ample time for some social commentary in which it satirizes marketing, technology, apps and even games, to great effect. Some of it will elicit a chuckle, some a somber nod, but all of it is poignant in one way or another.

Just like The Plan and Sunlight, I have a strong feeling that Mosaic will stay with me for a long time.