People who grew up with the PlayStation 2 will most likely remember gunning down aliens in ratchet and clank, or picking up eggs in jak and Daxter. But for the Norwegian audience, I believe most of us will remember running across rooftops in sly 2: band of thieves. At least that is my impression.

This game took the characters and style of the first game, and brought them over to a new and open style of gaming, that more closely resemble the open planets of ratchet and clank. But where this game stands out, is with the heist atmosphere. Each mission building up to a great robbery, and I think that is what sets it appart from the other big platformers of the time. The characters are all more memorable and distinct, and letting you play and explore as slys companions, really develops your relationship to everyone in the gang. The villains are all very memorable, and their personalities always color the level they feature in, and even their current mental state. Gameplay is, of course, alpha omega, and navigating the great open worlds is such a good time, with many paths and different approaches. The story is also the best in the series, and I would say, best of all the mascot franchises on the PlayStation 2.

With love,
Sinte Bredahl

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
