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Well, a dont have one snes so i played on an emulator with my xbox series control, but my experience even so was really great.

As i have played before when i was child, i remembered a most of the game, but how i never there was finish, i decided play again and go until the end.

The game is really very great, my favorite things they are the David Wise songs that are extremely striking and the nostalgic graphics that went broght from the 3d to the 2d.

This game, for me, just not a five stars becouse two reasons.

1- the middle to the final he becomes really really punitive, becouse just one wrong move to lose one life and this become kinda boring with time because you realize the malice of the developers, who did this just to generate more game time.
2- This game literally still your itens, when you stop to play and after from something time return, your lifes ever go to five and your banana coins are reset, this is really tiring.

Well, but this two things, they don't even come close to ruining your experience, this game always will be wonderful.