A great story, and beautiful game, but I still felt like they fell on their face a bit trying to mimic from soft in areas they didn't need to. Enemy systems designed poorly for areas you might die in repeatedly, a difficulty system which effectively ONLY changes enemy health and damage making a harder difficulty a slog instead of a fluid experience when played correctly. Poorly telegraphed attacks and a clunky dodge also made for several boss fights that while not hard, were simply annoying or "unfun". Not to say I didn't enjoy the game, I thoroughly did! But I was disappointed occasionally.

Still a bit disappointed by this games systems, it was rare for me to feel like the truly competent hunter the game had promised. Perhaps that was my own failing, but I tried several approaches and felt as though the game pushed back at my attempts at playing elegantly with clunky boss fights, and systemic gameplay that felt rushed and under polished.

I have put an ungodly number of hours into this game. The skill floor is an even playing field, the skill ceiling is one of the highest I've ever seen in a spreadsheetless eSport, and I just can't put it down.

Can you even really call this a game? I guess so, its a fun concept to try a few times