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Don't understand all the hate this series has recently been getting on this site. It all just mostly feels like really sensitive people missing the point and getting butt hurt over nothing. I saw a review here saying the first game is xenophobic, despite the game very obviously making fun of it. I even sometimes see posts of people thinking the game is on Nicole's side. It isn't, with multiple routes here either having her being criticized for being a garbage person or her facing serious repercussions for her actions, sometimes both happen in a single route. The game does has a very dark and cynical sense of humor, and if those kind of jokes don't tickle your funny bone that's fine. However, it does not support shitty people or ideas. It's just portraying certain people within a certain time period in an exaggerated fashion. In my opinion, both games are incredibly funny and handle their subject matter well.

Anyways, this one is much better than the original. It's just as funny, while also managing to make the characters and story routes even more interesting and complex.