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Even with the combat with bosses that limit the amount of damage you are allowed to do through phases, or characters like Aeris who was happy go lucky person who happened to be a ancient that had her character butchered to a boring innocent priestess anime girl I would STILL think this was very much above average retake on the story, but THESE NOMURA GHOSTS GARBAGE ARE FUCKIN TERRIBLE

WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU FIGHTING A GIANT GOD AND SEPHIROTH AT THE END OF THE MIDGAR SECTION? Not even for personal preference, this shit makes everything else happening in the plot and character progression all B sided, I dont mind character rewrites, maybe some different people dying and surviving, but this turns into literal Kingdom Hearts random bullshit, this and the slog of corridors and boring slog puzzle sections the game just overstays its welcome in every way possible.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2022
