The most dogshit metroidvania of them all:

- Controls suck ass you have to double tap to run EVERY SINGLE TIME or install a fan patch
- Getting the cards skills you have to farm for 0.2% droprates or also install a fan patch (which doesn't quite fix the balance)
- Bosses have ridiculous amount of health, your protagonist does no damage unless you farm
- Worst castle layout possible, really bad dead ends in the map, some save rooms are really far away from bosses
- Ice Enemies and everything about them being absolute cancer and they make you want to wish to leave the area asap
- No shops
- The only useful subweapon is the boomerang, every single other is useless

If some of the issues were fixed, it's actually one of the GBA best action games because this game has great art, great music and some great art design.

Reviewed on Jul 20, 2022
