This game fixed a lot of problems I had with blue rescue team and was pretty much that game but better in every way, I was very worried that I wouldn't like this game due to how many negative thoughts I had on the first game but I was pleasantly surprised. The characters and the story are definitely what this game does best, I got extremely attached to Jigglypuff's guild and the main story characters, the story was incredible and that ending was beautful. Not quite 5 stars but this truly was one of the best Pokemon games I've played.

Reviewed on Jun 21, 2024


12 days ago

Out of curiosity, what were the problems you had with rescue team that you felt this game fixed? I've always felt the gameplay between the two was pretty much identical outside of the camps

11 days ago

Honestly I agree, the gameplay in the dungeons didn't really change at all, It's more that everything else around It changed for the better and made my experience more enjoyable, things like being able to set four party members, the unique items you'd get from Xatu and Croagunk, the new Items and the brand new Pokemon and moves from gen 4. I also think I got a lot more TMs from this game than blue rescue team, but I'm not sure If this is a real change or if I just got unlucky in the older game. The outlaw missions were also way more fun than the rescue ones, since it felt like a mini-boss fight.