this game keeps kicking my ass 10/10

what are u supposed to do when u run out of ammo

i was going to say this was probably the coolest shit if u were an 8 year old boy in 1977, but that is also when Star Wars came out

i spent like 7 minutes aimlessly shooting at fish and dying before i realized u can swim down to the next screen, the game got a lot more fun after that

waaayyy too slippery for me, probably plays better on the paddle controller thingy

surprisingly fun, controls pretty well for an atari game. Feels like a natural evolution of the OG Donkey Kong gameplay-wise.

breakout but worse. this is miserable on joystick (i do not have paddles)

"we have crystal castles at home"
crystal castles at home:

i got 224 points on my first go yippee
still, not even the best frog eat flies game on the atari 2600

apparently Taito didn't allow Atari to put the 2600 version on the Flashback consoles, so lucky me I got the arcade version

the game that walked so that Baldi could fly

video games cost the equivalent of like 100 dollars back then, imagine buying a glorified calculator for that much

controls kinda shit but i had fun with it for a bit

filing this under "bland unplayable ports of games that actually look sick as hell on their original platform" next to crystal castles