Crisis Core is an interesting game within FF7's compilation. It serves as a prequel entry to FF7 and I feel as if somewhat gets the job done. This is my first-time experiencing CC and I'm kind of glad I waited to play this remaster instead of the original (which I own). So here are my thoughts:

The story in itself is definitely something. For the most part, the overall narrative is completely bonkers, and I mean that in both a good & bad way. I like the interactions between Zack and Angeal because it adds to Zack's growth as a character. "Embrace your dreams" is something that I can get behind. I also liked the stuff between the Turks. Although, I wouldn't say it's all sunshine and rainbow despite liking the interactions. At points, it feels like somewhere within the script that the balled was dropped or things could've played out much smoothly. Things like more time spent between Zack & Cloud could've been nice to actually showcase that they're friends to make the ending feel more impactful. However, when it comes to questionable writing look no further than with Genesis. The whole game kind of revolves around him and I didn't really like his cryptic Loveless stuff. To be honest, I feel like CC could've ditched Genesis & Angeal for a much better overall story. However, what we have here is quite a serviceable story even if it's quite dumb.

The gameplay here is cool. Reminds me a lot of FF7 Remake in a way. Although, that's probably because of having an actual attack button and a moveable camera. Which to my knowledge weren't present in the original PSP version. I enjoyed the DMW mechanic quite a bit honestly. Just a little roulette that does its thing. However, I don't really like the fact that leveling and materia growth is locked behind this gameplay mechanic as its totally random. I didn't really realize that factor until halfway through the game. It does get better once you have access to Lucky Stars and Moogle Power, but still a flaw. At times when playing through CC, I could feel that it was still a PSP game. I feel that you'll mostly feel this way when doing the horrid side missions. The side missions are completely boring and I finished more than half of them. At first, I didn't really mind them as I played a few missions in intervals between chapters, but once I reached the end of the game. It became a total chore when I decided that I wanted to tackle them. Every mission features the same maps, X amount of chests to open, fighting reskinned enemies, rinse and repeat. I kept spamming Energy and Costly Punch for roughly ~20% of those missions that I did. Very boring and honestly it somewhat killed a bit of the fun that I had with Crisis Core. I don't think I could bare to do all 300. However, if we simply ignored doing all those missions and only doing a few, then it's a pretty solid experience. Should note though that doing these missions net you valuable shops and materia.

I suppose the last thing to talk about is the presentation. As a remaster, it's pretty darn good. I like how Reunion looks visually and the music solid. Huge fan of Aerith's theme in this game and the battle/boss themes are great too. Also, maybe a hot take, but I do not mind the new voice cast at all whatsoever. Perhaps, this is due to me not having nostalgia nor bias for the old cast, but from what I've heard in Reunion. I thought everyone did a solid job. So, yeah.
Overall, neat entry within the FF7 compilation despite its glaring issues. Next thing we need now is a Dirge of Cerberus remaster. #RemasterDoC

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2023
