I can only speak as a casual in the Pokemon franchise.

I had my fun with the game. The chibi art style was hit or miss most of the time depending of the character (for example works well with the likes of Cynthia but not so much with Cyrus)
Not to mention the facial expressions being very limited for my tastes.

My biggest gripe would be these forest sections where the corner of the screen becomes blurry for some reasons. It felt very uncomfortable to look at.

Other than that the game is really just the same as the original diamond and pearl, with a modern and shinier skin. There are some QOL much appreciated like HMs on the poketech and the health bar progress not being extremely slow.

Overall good game but I think there was more that could have been done, especially considering gen 4 is my favorite it feels a bit underwhelming that they did the bare minimum.

Reviewed on Dec 01, 2021
