My biggest issue with this game is simply how it looks. Most levels tend to be in dark areas and the lighting is really poor making it hard to navigate. The lack of map isn’t helping.

The model aren’t the best either. The characters have the same expressions no matter what’s happening.

But these aside, the game was so much fun. A solid gameplay from start to finish, well balanced classes and ennemies which always makes the player innovate in order to find the most effective classe/weapon to use depending of the type of ennemies. The difficulty setting and the ability to change it whenever you want without the game penalizing you is truly wonderful as well.

A story, while not the most subtle, feels genuine in everything it present. Stranger of paradise is another example of how much I value the journey and execution rather than the end result. While I knew where the story was going, I was not ready for how incredibly emotional the last two level of the game would be.

Everyone made fun of My way as the theme song of the game but in context of what is being told, It was the perfect music choice.

‘’Forgetting isn’t a mercy’’

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2022
