DnD: DA has some major technical problems at this point (launch 6/22nd) that make it hard to evaluate the underlying game

Everything in the game feels super slidey and floaty. Characters will slowly slide uphill when standing. You move a little too far with each step that makes the run animation like a little like skating. You can miss a jump by seemingly several feet only to have the game count it as a ledge grab and likewise you can be several feet from an environmental hazard and still be hit by it.

enemies will sometimes vanish when dead, yet your targeting lock will still focus on them and hits will continue to record. Other times when they die they Metal Gear fulton straight vertically off the screen like they had 200% Smash brothers damage.

Catti-Brie's attack range is greater than enemy aggro range, so I was able to kill some bosses without them ever moving. Oddly the game seems to be possibly aware of this as it penalizes you by reducing the damage they receive when you do this.

Hit detection seems to possibly be server side, so there's often odd lag from when your animation shows a hit and the enemy npc reacts.

The actual underlying game itself seems ok, not amazing but good ole cheesy AA schlock with a occasional smart wrinkles (Like you are only able to access your new drops back at camp).

but in this state the game is a pure schadenfreude laugher.

Reviewed on Jun 23, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

Yikes, to put it kindly, the game sounds rough.