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1 day

Last played

June 19, 2024

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Pretty good little post-game expansion, gives you an extra 5ish hours of main story content (maybe a bit less) and a bunch more if you do side stuff. Took me maybe 4 or 5 hours to get through.

More Dragon Age: Origins with some required reading lore baked in. In fact, it is such required reading that I feel somewhat awkward about it being DLC (a la Asura's Wrath having its true ending on sale for $7.99 but to a lesser severity). Still, good story and I'm playing it 15 years later so hard to get too mad.

My other complaint is that the experience was exceedingly buggy for me. IDK if that's the result of Series X enhancements or if the 360 version was always like this. Lots of graphical bugs and I got an infinite loading screen once.

But yeah, a decent post-game and more of the same. Not too much to complain about!

Edit: Y'all are saying this was $40 at launch? Oof.