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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 18, 2022

Platforms Played


Pretty good. Really good at times! Combining roller blading with third-person shooting is a blast, and the style/art/sound has this retro future vibe I adore. It brought me back to Deathloop (one of my favorites of last year) a bit with its 70s look.

The controls feel weird at first and take some getting used to (it's arguable that I'm still getting used to them, lol) and I kind of wish there was a little more story than they gave us (though what's here is good). I also wish there were more (and more diverse) bosses and the opportunity to face off against a few of the other skaters in combat.

I was leaning toward a 3.5 for these reasons, but I gave it a 4 on two points. One, it's extremely earnest (if that's the word). I conceptually understand that game development is hard work and most retail games are made with some kind of love, but you really feel it here. I can't put my finger on exactly why. Two, the harder Master Quest-style campaign that unlocks after the 4-5 hour initial campaign is really pushing me to learn the combat system better, and I'm enjoying it more as a result. I've only played one level of that so far (it's tough) so thoughts may change as I get deeper. Probably not though -- I feel pretty good about giving this a 4.