Tetris Effect Connected is the most definitive version of Tetris that has something for everyone. It is such an impressive package that expands the Tetris formula in new ways and has so much replayability. If you are a fan of offline content, multiplayer or want an intense challenge it has all that in one package! While it may not be a masterpiece that is revolutionary it nails the ART and everything else so well. This game just feels like meditation when I am playing it since the art is so beautifully well done! Side note: I will not be covering multiplayer in this review!

Journey Mode: This is a single player mode for Tetris Effect Connected that has 27 stages to play from with an Beginner, Normal and Expert difficulty. The difference between these difficulties is that you’ll have to get more lines. Beginner is 30, Normal is 36 and Expert is 48 lines. I had so much fun with this mode because each level provided different art and music to vibe to! It just got me in zen mode. It took me about 10 hours to beat Journey mode, which is not a bad length even though I died a LOT! My favorite level has got to be Metamorphosis which is the final level you encounter. It was such a great level that you can tell they went all out because you have to get 90 lines and the music and art were on another level but all the levels were so good! There is also a theatre mode as well if you just want to look at the art for a level and listen to the music without playing. It is a nice addition if you just want to sit back and relax. The credits in this game were so exceptionally well done as well! I can tell they put lots of effort into that! Overall Journey mode was a blast to play with set pieces and music that will keep you relaxed and engaged!

Gameplay: The gameplay in Tetris Effect feels better then any Tetris game has ever felt! You have a new Zone ability where when you fill it up by completing lines you can make the blocks not move and can take your time. The completed lines will disappear after the zone ability is used which allows you to clear more than 4 lines at once in a Tetris game and get an Ultimatris. An Ultimatris is 20 or more lines cleared so if you get this then you are considered the best of the best! The highest I got was an Octotris which is 8 lines cleared. Zone is such a great addition to Tetris since it spices up the gameplay and allows for spectacular plays! Enhance games have then made it more accessible by showing what your next 4 blocks will be instead of 1 but this can be fine tuned to your liking. Then you can hold a Tetrimino to use for later if you do not get a block you like you can replace it with the one you are holding! There are many more accessibility features to allow people to thrive in Tetris Effect Connected! The gameplay has never felt better before and it is astounding how good it feels with the effects going nuts when you get a completed line. They can bother my eyes and be distracting though. The effects do make when you get a completed line so much more satisfying.

Effect modes: The effect modes are extra game modes in Tetris Effect Connected to add replayability. For example there is a marathon mode where you need to get the best score within a 150-line limit! Then there is Mystery where you try to survive as many random effects where some could be good and some bad! There are more of them than just the ones I mentioned! These effect modes add greatly to the replayability of the game because they are fun and can leave you with a challenge! I like that Enhance tried to give replayabillity to this iteration of Tetris by doing fun and gimmicky modes.

Conclusion: Overall Tetris Effect Connected is Tetris at its very best. Ever since Tetris was on the NES in 1989 it's been an icon in gaming! Enhance did such a great job with nearly everything in this game despite that the effects can be distracting and hurt my eyes! This is the best iteration of Tetris that has ever been made! Enhance did an amazing job with this game and it surprised me since I didn’t think it would be as good as it was! There is no doubt that any Tetris player will be able to find something here that they like! I give Tetris Effect Connected a 10/10! Tetris has been on a roll for me lately because I loved the movie now with Effect Connected being so awesome! The industry needs more calming and relaxing games like this and Enhance games knocked it out of the park! Cannot wait to see their future endeavours.

Reviewed on May 07, 2023
