I feel like this game is under rated. Sure it has problems. Glaring ones at times. Losing a fight should not send you back a stage WTF. As a fighting game on paper though it's a very cool one. I'm not here to argue over the gameplay mechanics or the specifics. The concept of the story is really cool. A godlike being brings forth strong warrior throughout time to give them a second chance at life before there untimely deaths in a tournament of the time. The character designs were really cool and the moves and sound where great. The endgame boss was cool and it had the violence of MK which was awesome at the time. I remember the training stage was a really cool danger room with customizations. At the end of the day me and my friends loved playing this and we loved the characters. Weather that's enough to make it a good game is up to you to decided, but I for one would love to see this franchise make a comeback.

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2021
