Masterful game. RE2 I would say is one of those rare perfect games that did everything right. It was one of my favorite games of the time and I still play it every year to this day.

I can remember the hype leading up to this game. The magazine coverage, the commercials and the trailers that would play in the game stores. I was crazy hyped to play this and I had only just finished playing RE1 just before this game was released. At the time I didn't have the money to buy it but my friend had it and everyday for like a month we would play it after school. We so so bad at it too. I remember we could only play for an hour a two a day and we would forget what we did and what we were supposed to do and get lost and die repeatedly. When we finished we had a C rank the first time. We didn't even unlock scenario B. I can't even fathom being so bad at it now. I literally have the game mapped into my brain and can beat it so fast now I just can't comprehend it. We didn't care it was just so fun and atmospheric. I didn't actually own the game myself until the dual shock version dropped later in the year. I remember going into the gamestop to buy it and it was priced at 49.99 and the clerk there said "hey, i have this version here sure but I also have the original version here on sale for 20 bucks. It's a lot cheaper and it's literally the same thing with out rumble." I appreciate the offer but I informed him that the dual shock version had the extra battle mode and me being the such a big fan that I was I would easily get 100 hours on that alone. Worth every penny. I must have beaten this game about 100 times. I just love everything about it.

As for the game itself what can I say that people don't already know. It was bigger better and just as iconic as RE1. The scope and gameplay was just so much better. Game was gorgeous and was a perfect horror game. The story, cutscense and characters were all great and the game had such a grand epic feel to it. So much replay value to be had too. The multiple scenarios depending on which character you chose first and how it affects the different one, gave you FOUR campaigns to play and then had two unlockable bonus modes with Hunk and Tofu. Then there was the three stage EX battle game that spanned the entire game that was different everytime and with 3 separate difficulties just for that mode. And hard mode on that was a real challenge.

RE2 is a game that gave me a sequel to a game I already loved and turned my love of the franchise into a full on obsession. Every version of this game is great. The N64 version is pretty crazy that it could be made at all. I've also want to try the dream cast version as that has an unlockable hard difficulty in the base game exclusive to it. The gamecube version is good too but having the PS1 Classic version on my vita I have played that a ton. Got it with me and an hour to kill. Just beat RE2 again. Even with the full on REmake 2 I still prefer this version. They play differently and shockingly enough I actually think the story is told better in the PS1 version. That and the scenario system is better in this version too.

Reviewed on Oct 24, 2021
