I didn't play it at launch but this might be my favorite launch game. It's basically samurai Resident Evil. The first entry does have more of an atmosphere and slight horror element to it. Exploring the castle and seeing the death and destruction and all the wandering spirits does help set the tone. Unlike RE though this game is more action focused and is a hack and slash game. It has the tank controls as well but when you ready your weapon you can strafe around an enemy. Sounds kinda jank but really it feels good. Weapons feel meaty and merciless. Killing enemies releases souls which you can use as currency to level items. Finding your magic weapons you can power up their power or their ability to unlock sealed doors. It's always a choice on what to improve and in what order. The game is pretty short and sweet and doesn't overstay it's welcome. Easy to pick up and play when you feel the action itch.

Reviewed on Oct 26, 2021
