The defining action game of it's era. Devil May Cry was something really special at the time. It pretty much created the modern third person character action genre. And for good reason too. I remember the first time seeing the game was at a gamestop the trailer was playing on the TV and on the TV next to it an employee was playing the demo. The game looked so awesome. The graphics and presentation was great. I loved the design of the character Dante. He was so cool. I loved his red outfit and white hair. He just really stood out from the gothic atmosphere. The way it and his care free attitude clash with the horrific monsters just makes him ooze with style. Then the demo showed off a boss battle with a gaint spider. The action and complexity of the boss was just next level to me coming off of the PS1. The fact that you could shoot with unlimited ammo and use your sword at the same time looked amazing. I think people forget what this game did for it's time. I was sold right then and there. The craving for a PS2 just exploded. I had to have this and MGS2, but this is the one I wanted first.

I was blown away how cool this game was. It has a mission structure but the game is essentially open world in it's design. The world had so many neat details. Being able to interact with the environment or reading the enemy bestiary painted a detailed picture of DMC's world. It was harrowing but you play as the cool devil hunter who fucks shit up for the devil. Dante's power was big and his ego bigger. It felt good to give the bump in the night it's own scare and then some. DMC1 is the most atmospheric game in the series and it's not even close. It was a big draw for the game. Even just selecting the menu and picking a weapon was a spectacle. Menu was detailed and had FMV motion added in. Nothing is as cool as selecting the shot gun watching the small FMV shotgun reloading with the gigantic boom audio file playing.

Enemies and bosses had a lot of time put into them and had varied movesets. They knew how to kick your ass just as much as you did theirs. Playing the game on the hardest mode Dante Must Die gives a really good proper challenge. Combat while not as complex as later titles still feels good. All the attacks have good weight and sound to accompany the hurt you dish out. Everything feels so meaty. From sword swinging to charging up a punch. You have enough at your disposal for to tackle any challenges. At the same time spamming a single move will not work here as enemies often have a counter. It's all about positioning and mixing things up. All while looking cool.

Playing this game today is still a good time. It just goes to show that a game with a good combat system and well made enemies with good level design never really go out of style.

Also DMC1 Dante is the best costume.

Platinum # 7 and 77

Reviewed on Oct 29, 2021
