Final Vendetta feels like a Jr. Version of Streets of Rage. Sometimes it's copies it a little too much. I mean Claire is practically a replica of blaze in design and combat. That may sound like a knock at it but it's honestly not. While the gameplay isn't exactly perfect with some slight jank here and there, the bread and butter of combat does feel really good. Graphically it's okay but it emulates the classic 90's art and enemy design really well. Hits feel good and has just enough varity in it's short arcade mode. Only 6 stages. I would have liked to seen just one more stage. The last stage doesn't really feel epic or grand and kinda fizzles out in the end. Dispite all of this it's a very enjoyable 1 hour long ride that's perfect for short burst playthroughs and a weekend of completing all the challanges. Final Vendetta is a really good indie brawler that misses it's mark ever so slightly to keep itself from hanging with the big bros but surely stands out amongest it's peers.

Platinum #147

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2023
