While I like this series they are not without their faults and the Devil in Me is no exception. While I do like the idea of a transforming murder house with a stalker killer the execution was a little underwhelming. My biggest problem with this entry is that I feel like my choices really didn't lead to any character deaths but more than naught it was a bad quick time event out of nowhere or a character death happened automaticlly where I feel like I didn't really factor into it. THat and also i feel like a lot of the clues were very misleading. Also the killer appears out of thin air so many times, even in illogical places that even Jason Vorhees is scratching his head. There was one mini game where you have to time the button press to stay quiet as to not get spotted. I think I failed this one everytime and I know i hit it right on the spot. I dunno if it's bugged but it sure felt like it. Which always led to something bad or straight up death. It feels cheap when it's by this instead of a bad call. That's the problem with this series a lot of events feel random instead of player choice or smart descion making. The other thing I think this game drops the ball on is it's pacing. There are long stretches of the game of forced slow walking moments and exploration that instead of feeling rewarding only feels frustrating. Movement in these games always feels stiff and akward. This was a big issue on Men of Medan which I felt the next two games improved on a bit but here it feels like regression. On top of that there are some spots of this game where it is so dark that I can't see where im going or what im supposed to interact with. It happens for so long I just say to myself "Can I just move the story forward a bit and make a choice already?" Despite all of this if you have liked the other games this one isn't much different. It just sucks because I feel like House of Ashes was much better and I had hoped this one would be just as good. Well there is always hope for the next one.

Reviewed on Aug 15, 2023
