Things I liked

The upgrade system felt fairly streamlined
Liked how if you died landing a hit on the enemy that killed you not only gets your exp back but also refills force/health, making taking a stray hit or two on the run back feel a lot less bad.
Because most of the things you found by exploring were cosmetics I didn’t feel punished for focusing on getting through the game.
I was able to get through the game by sticking with the fighting style I started with with minimal changes.
Every time I was stuck on a platforming puzzle it turned out it was just for a cosmetic.
It’s a linear game, and does not pretend otherwise.

Things I didn’t like

I can be a jedi, or you can make stormtroopers a credible threat, not both. Also an issue with modern starwars media.
There were a lot of times where they had a custom interaction with the environment that wasn’t immediately obvious to me, like when you first get into the AT-AT and have to slide over the speeder
I assume it’s loading related, but I would prefer a loading screen to having to slid through a crack

Things I thought were interesting

There was a lot more platforming and a lot less boss fights than I expected, did not expect it to have strong metrovania aspects
There are so many ledges that upgraded force push lets you trivialize a lot of the non-boss fights

Things I thought were bad

Unskippable cutscenes
Any time where I still have control of the character but it grabs control of the camera.
After failing a boss fight a couple times getting Passive aggressive suggestions to lower the difficulty as every single hint
Constantly being told to ask BD1 for a hint for puzzles
Different difficulties changing the parry timings
Got stuck at one place where I fell off a ledge and found a sliver of standable space with no way out but reverting to a previous checkpoint
Having to go back and fight the AT-STs was bad design that fully pulled me out of the game.
Don’t like getting locked into finishers during group fights

Reviewed on May 07, 2023
