Psychonauts was a story about a boy saving the world and succeeding in his dream of becoming a… Psychonaut and being able to work with his lifelong inspirations and heroes.

Psychonauts 2 is a story of how even the people you look up too are incredibly flawed individuals. The story in Psychonauts 2 is amped up to a hundred with a more serious tone with loss, love, and acceptance.

The best thing about the previous psychonauts was collecting everything you could and I’m very happy to say that not only have they added more collectibles to gather in the game, they are all a joy to collect. There’s some figments that annoyed me but once you find them all you feel accomplished. Each level was incredibly unique and enjoyable (especially helmet fullbear). My only complaint is that the final boss was really short for my liking compared to some other boss fights Raz had to pummel through but it didn’t hinder my experience in the slightest. All the characters old and new were so charming, funny, and emotional that it made me care for each and last one.

This game is fantastic man fuck

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2021
