I played both the GBA version and the Console version and I enjoyed both, but which one would I say is better?

Surprisingly enough I would have to choose the GBA version more so (and that's what my star rating is based off of), it caught my attention way more and levels didnt drag out for so long that they didnt get boring. There were actual bosses in the GBA game and I thank sweet Mary Sue every day for that.

The console version does have its fair share of strengths though, both games have wonderful soundtracks but the console is more memorable and sounds better, both games also have 3 segments of playing as spongebob, patrick, and plankton. The 1st and 3rd segment of the GBA game were much better than the console version but the console version has a better 2nd segment of the game, plankton destroying bikini botttom and Patrick's rocket rodeo were SO much better than the GBA version.

But in the GBA version patrick gets to fly and flying is the best thing you can do in any video game.

Reviewed on Oct 14, 2019
