I first played this when I was like 11 and didn't grasp the concept of MOBAs at all and I thought Ashe's utility arrow that grants sight along the path it travels was capable of doing legitimate damage to the enemy's nexus so I would just sit at spawn and shoot arrow after arrow at the other side of the map while my teammates screamed at me to play the game, all while I was convinced I was single-handedly carrying the team. About 8 years later one of my friends was like "okay everyone we're all gonna play League" and over the next week I quickly learned that this game is actually better if you're a sub-80 IQ child who doesn't care about actually engaging with the playerbase and can delight in watching the pretty ice arrows go swoosh

Reviewed on Oct 21, 2021

1 Comment

11 months ago

Extremely accurate. Had a similar experience in my review.