A very special little game. Although it is short, I don't believe it detracts from the value in the slightest, and would definitely recommend picking it up. The way you come to learn and love the character whose eyes you're looking through simply by looking at the things they own and take with them throughout the various stages of their life is absolutely incredible, and there is a whole spectrum of emotions you feel as you start to reach the end. It's such a special little experience that I will think about for a long time.

The gameplay is simple enough, but what really makes it is how you choose to organize your room(s) throughout, putting what where, how organized or disorganized you are, all while making sure everything is in its relatively right place. The graphics are beautiful and adorable, lovingly crafted, and the sound design is remarkable (14,000 files for different sounds! holy shit!)

I honestly can't recommend this enough, and even in a jam-packed year of fantastic games, this will remain up there as one of my favorites easily.

Reviewed on Nov 07, 2021
