This game is a complete mess. and just downright awful. With its wide array of immersion-breaking glitches to the terrible UI, Mass Effect Andromeda is probably the worst game I have ever played for a multitude of reasons, but if I had to choose just one, id say it's because it's so damn boring.

Mass Effect Andromeda feels like a empty shell compared to its counterparts. The characters lack any sense of charm besides a select few, and the main protagonist is even more of an empty husk than Shepherd ever was. Ryder lacks any sense of heroism, relatability, and is just unfun to play as. The story itself also doesn't try to make you care. It's messy and just dumb compared to how grounded ME's main story was.

Everything just feels tedious to play. The sidequests are boring fetch quests and the combat feels so light that it gives the player a strange sense of weakness. Is the jetpack fun? Kinda when it works, but that isn't enough when the rest of the gameplay feels awful.

The amount of glitches I have endured has been absurd for a game that was promised to have been patched 5 years ago. I've been stuck on doors, lost save files, and have had facial and audio glitches since the first time I booted up the game. I even tried modding it to fix these issues, but no amount of mods can do anything to fix this broken game.

Mass Effect Andromeda is disappointing in the sense that Bioware has officially lost its creative edge to corporatism. It's empty and lacks any form of creativity in any of its major fields. It's a disgrace to one of gamings greatest stories, and it makes me worried about how they will handle the upcoming Mass Effect 4. What happened Bioware, you used to be one of the best.

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2021
