While I love this game, I'm also a bit disappointed, and the game isn't completely at fault here. I really should've kept my expectations in check.

The first thing that came to my mind after I saw this game for the first time, was Mario Odyssey.... and for a good reason. The world of Kirby and the Forgotten Land is incredibly detailed and brimming with life(which is ironic cuz it's literally a dystopian world). Right from the beginning you're just dropped into this gorgeous looking world to explore without any tutorial, any instructions to have fun..... and then you actually start interacting with it. The amount of invisible walls, the fixed camera, all of these things kept taking my immersion away. Compare that to amount of freedom that Mario odyssey gives you and you end up coming out dissapointed.

I know I shouldn't be comparing this to Odyssey, but I just feel that the world it takes place in has so much potention(more than odyssey tbh) which is just wasted. The game feels more like 3D-World, a game that clearly isn't trying to be an open-world-ish experience like Odyssey, but Kirby's world had the potential to be something truly special but the potential is just wasted. The same goes for the core mechanic of the game. A lot of the things that are given to Kirby for transforming into are just randomly and conveniently there. You never get the feeling that the game is giving you different options to approach a level.

But keeping my negatives aside, the game was quite fun to play. The combat isn't the most complex thing ever(it doesn't need to), but its the simple things make it very fun. Dropping the bombs on enemies is fun because the aiming in this game is just perfect, flying to cover some distance, finding the hidden Waddle Dees, all of these are simple things that make the game very fun. Also I don't know if its just me, but the game was.... kinda hard at times, something I didn't expect. And last but not the least, it's a very charming game. You never feel bored at any point. Every level has something happening at all times, which doesn't leave you with any spots where nothing is happening.

But yeah those are my thoughts. Again, I don't want this to be "Mario Odyssey but it's Kirby instead of Mario", it's just that there's so much they could've done with a world this detailed. So I hope if we ever get another 3D Kirby game, the level design is a lot more open and not this segmented, and that would be perfect.

Reviewed on Jan 21, 2024
