Being one of the biggest pioneers of gaming history, DOOM is well worth your money and each episode (for the most part) is filled with timeless simple fun, until it decides to get a little maze-like. Game feel is unlike any other here, and really has yet to be outdone by the likes of TF2, Quake, Overwatch, etc., as good as those games are.
E1: Knee Deep In The Dead is one of the most legendary sets of levels ever made, and it's impressive just how well the game was figured out when there was next to nothing to go off of for the genre outside of the developers' previous work, Wolfenstein 3D.

E2: The Shores of Hell is almost as good, with a couple of kinks here and there, but overall a worthy successor to the previous episode.

E3: Inferno is where DOOM begins to show its' fangs, and while I commend the effort, it gets a bit too ambitious in its' level design philosophy sometimes, but its' absolutely worth playing.

E4: Thy Flesh Consumed is where the game begins to wear out its' welcome. Confusing levels, constant key searching, and do or die situations here. Worth a try, but totally understandable to skip.

Played on PS3, through DOOM Classic Complete. VERY good compilation.

Reviewed on Jun 15, 2024
