EarthBound 1994

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opinion-reflection: Well, Earthbound (Mother 2) has many things. Abstract backgrounds, which can be related to the environment and the enemy, and which is different depending on the enemy that touches us. Some may seek to convey a feeling, others may be simply weird and seek to make each battle unique and interesting and create aesthetic pleasure. Active role of the player in the narrative, metafiction, references and jokes towards the West, western onomatopoeias.

Shigesato itoi is said in an interview to say that in the end the players felt a sense of nostalgia, something like: "aww, it's over", it is also said that he was someone who did a lot of work throughout his life. In one, they say, I interpret him as a miner. He also wrote a compilation book with Haruki Murakami, author of Tokyo blues and other famous works. He wrote texts that they say were one of the main inspirations for the saga.

Not caring if this is real or not, I always fondly remember the ending. Ness begins her journey from his mother's home. During the tour, Ness feels nostalgic and you have to call his mother to comfort him and in the melody areas, remember facts from his childhood. But as the journey progresses and he meets his friends and new people and strange things, Ness moves further and further away from his home and is able to reach the subsoil of the world and to defeat the supreme evil he concentrates the energy of all the planet earth, he knows himself and manages to overcome his fears. But to move on you have to leave behind everything you think you know about yourself and the world around you and people. So Ness to defeat the bad guy, she has to leave his earthly body along with his friends and go even further. However, you reach the end, and it turns out that to defeat giygas you are helped by all those people you met on the way and who suddenly seem to have remembered you at that moment.

At the end of the game, and before leaving. The game gives you one last chance to say goodbye to all the characters you have met, some thank you, others congratulate you, others take the opportunity to tell you some last strange things. It is a last goodbye before moving on to the credits and photographs of the trip that will remain for posterity. Because the adventure has already ended, because the moment when you were a child has already passed. So the childhood to which you have returned, now says goodbye to you. All that remains is the photo, the moment stuck in time forever, the memory of life. Because the years go by, and people leave, you think about erasing everything and leaving everything behind, but you leave your mark on the people you know. It all reminds me of that BBF (Blue ballon fighter) farewell video. After the last goodbyes, the only thing that remains now are the conserved vestiges of a time that has passed.

I miss you...