imagine the place you grew up and still lived in today is falling apart. Even though there used to be bustling industry there, and the place wasn't falling apart back then. You only got a mildly acceptable internet service within the last few years. Nowadays the most maintained thing around is the train tracks, because it just so happens to be an important part of the railway system. But somehow, people still have their spirits up. You can walk down the street and have a conversation with somebody you haven't seen in 2 weeks, or somebody you haven't seen in 2 years, by some magic almost everybody is perfectly happy to accommodate each other. Every day your beautiful home is becoming more decrepit, less populated, and what little remains of industry continues to exploit the community. While trying to sleep one night you hear a gunshot, you don't really react, you just roll over and try to sleep again. Turns out somebody you knew made a show of blowing their brains out on their garage door, the only reaction among others in town seems to be "woah that's kinda weird". Yet despite all of this, you can't really imagine living in the city so you stay in this place where you're somehow comfortable. In some ways an existential nightmare, in some ways the place you call home.

Of course none of this is actually a review about the game, so here's a comment about the game. Possum Springs is real and there's a lot of them all over the place, they nailed it more than any other media I've seen. That's probably what I got attached to most while playing. The setting makes all the pieces of the narrative and design, that others might call disparate, fit together perfectly.

Anyway, the town you romp around in is a pretty big part of the game and I love that a lot. I don't really give a fuck about Mae or her dopey friends at all.

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2022

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