if you were around and decided to play this game, like really dig into the mechanics, you had to be ready for the bare minimum for quality of life.
not just videogame qol features, but the quality of your own life.
that's right. without even regarding which game is stronger, playing a game you take seriously against a completely different game is so incredibly potent at frustrating that you will move to a sewer, set up a secret sewer base and jerk off all day every day in your sad dank little vacation home. sewer man. you'll also start writing insane backloggd reviews for a minimal audience and no tangible benefit, only a fleeting feeling of self importance. im built different though, and I'm better at puyo than all of you on this site. i don't write insane reviews.

Reviewed on Apr 07, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

Dude thta's exactly what happened to me after playing this game !