This is not a game, This is a life changing experience

The Warnings:
- This game was made in Unity by people who have clearly never made a game before
- The control scheme made me cry in the corner of my room for a few hours (play with controller instead)
- The panda models will give you nightmares
- There is not much content, but enough for a few hours of laughs
- There is stuff to buy, but coin collecting is extremely grindy
- It's definitely not worth the price if you are looking for a real game

The good:
- This game has amazing meme potential
- It will solve all your life problems
- It's one of those 'so bad it's good' games

The Note:
This application was made with the intent of trying to help children with anxiety, gamers are not it's target audience, so even though it's not great as a game, it tries it's best in helping kids which is very respectable

As Wise Panda once said: Sometimes it is good to just STOP.

Reviewed on Aug 10, 2023
