Very platinum game-esque action game with a strong anime aesthetic and banger music. World building is actually really good but the story is meh. At least some of the cutscenes are hype.

What brings the game down are the annoying forced stealth sections, the light padding (some animations/scenarios take way too long, some enemy/area copy-pastes, and huge repetition for completion), and finally - the technical limitations of the switch.

Played the extra content in file 12 but I could only get about halfway before it became really grindy and long. The gameplay is pretty good but not enough for the same thing another 30ish hours.

Sitting on it, I realized a lot of the side missions are a mixed bag where some are really cool (puzzles, balancing games)! But others end up being filler combat or fetch quests. And damn is that switch hardware really rough here, causing overheating and very low fps during fights. It would feel so much better at 60fps. 8 -> 7

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
