I can't say this game doesn't have merit and I honestly don't feel malice to it, it would have been incredibly easy to outfit this game with horrible microtransactions and make a boatload. The simple lack of that is extremely worthy of praise. That being said, I kind of hate this game and the genre it sits in because it's everything I don't want games to be when talking outside of a corporate level. Outside of a few levels that change the direction you progress, and some differing characters runs often feel the same by the end with everything being caught in a storm of bullets and damage numbers. It's doubtlessly satisfying to do but it never really seems to spark any thoughts outside of that. It's just walk around until you can choose the next upgrade you want until the time ends or you die. With that being said, I understand this is absolutely bringing out the pretentious games-as-art jackass part of my brain but it's simply the way I feel and I won't lie and try to say I want this review to be somewhat objective because it isn't.

Reviewed on May 16, 2024
