Hey it's astoundingly obscure and good go play it.

Not many people in the world have even heard of Giftpia. It's a the first game from the Chibi-Robo devs and it makes me regret ever describing something as a fever dream, because this is as about as fever-dream-y as it can get. Not the kind of fever dream where reality is completely broken down, but the more subtle kind where things are off, and the unconscious mind is unable to parse what that is exactly.

Everyone is animated like wet noodles. They talk like broken wind-up toys. They make odd noises and their psychobabble language is filtered with a variety of effects like someone just discovered audio software for the first time. It's fucking cool, actually.

This game is a barely sensical, earnest slapstick comedy where your character does one goofy thing after the next just to keep the roller coaster ride going. You will almost at all times ask yourself "why am I doing any of this". Just go with it. The surreal nonsense is the ride.

Giftpia is a gift in of itself. It's a palette-cleansing good time. A reminder that Nintendo of Japan just let whatever on the Gamecube so long as it never came out in English ever, ever.
I genuinely do think this game and Captain Rainbow should be remembered more, but accessing English translations is a little rough for the normies and the translation job is not 100% done (it's 95% done they just gave up at the end)

Listen, I love this game. I don't like obscure video games hardly anyone has played being some of my favorite things ever. I'm the second review of this game on this website for fuck's sake. I need others to play this game. Maybe it'll hit you like it has hit for so precious few. Giftpia's got soul. Even if I want to beat the shit out of the robot every time I see him.

Reviewed on May 05, 2024

1 Comment

1 month ago

Kinda unfortunate that my JP isn't good enough for this GAME. But yes, the beginning was an absolute fever dream, where your character is pixelated on the face for some reasons.