It came back worse in every way which is like super impressive.

There is room for a free to play Smash clone for sweaty losers, but the problem is being a diluted Smash clone is just not good enough when Smash feels so much better to play.

Like Nintendo hates you for liking Smash and will never bring the game to platforms beyond their own, so there's room to eat some of it's lunch on Steam. Compared to Smash, Multiversus is too slow and too floaty for it's own good and just won't cut it long-term as a competitor or a fun PLATFORM FIGHTER.

The name Multiversus sucks, the menus are a fucking nightmare, and the 2v2 emphasis isn't even really a thing anymore so it has no identity beyond it's intellectual properties.

We need a different contender in the space.

Reviewed on May 31, 2024


1 month ago

Wait, what do you mean the 2v2 isn't a thing? That was the whole point of the original release!
@Weatherby I mean it's still 2v2 but 1v1 has been heavily prioritized over it. The only feedback it seems like this game took to heart was making 1v1 more of a thing and fixing the netcode at heavy cost to market identity and game feel. It's generic as shit.

1 month ago

That's still a bummer. The original release had its problems (those pillbox hurt boxes were insane) but what I'm hearing about the update is pretty dire.
@Weatherby I do feel a lot of the problems can be adjusted to much more tolerable, but I'm not a game dev so who know if meaningful change is possible under the new engine/netcode/publisher. It seems to be hit on consoles. Every person I matched up with has an xbox or playstation logo next to their user bar. If this game stays alive it will be in huge part to them.

1 month ago

as much as i hate most anime, i am really hoping for an anime smash game. or even another playstation all stars

1 month ago

@imshitting420 There is an anime smash game. It's called Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

(I kid, I kid).