It's pretty good. It's a lil too jank around the edges to be ULTRA REALISTIC. I think this game is the next fix for Rainbow Six Siege players who do alpha male boot camps where you have gay sex eat MRE's on private property in major metropolitan areas; and are subscribed to subreddits where shirtless, ripped men pose with AR-15's. Me? Oh man I am not cut out for the wars they are training me for in this video game. I am a simple man. I am cuck-pilled. I don't even beat my wife nor feel like it. I like her and like being around her as I feel she brings the best out of me. Fucking bitch. I could be out there with The Boys. The men. Feeling rough men in one hand, and a gas powered rifle in the other while pounding Coronas at Chipotle at 11am on a Tuesday. Where did my life go WRONG, bro?

What if you're like a top ranking shooterman in this game and your new objective as last man standing is to hide your body cam footage so it won't be used as admissible evidence in court. Step up the realism. I want to feel the last breaths of air leave a man's body as I penetrate him...with bullets...I kill him with a gun, and he's like "aaaaahhhh" and I'm like "Get cucked nerd!" and afterwards I'm high-fiving my squad bros before realizing I have tears running down my face and....I didn't even...feel them run down...Oh god, oh my god. What have I done? What is this? Who am I? How did I get here? Oh my god ohmygod! FUCK! fuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK. I killed the only man I ever loved for the sake of glory in needless bloodshed. FUCK!!! understood me more than anyone. I'll always remember when we met. The first day of Alpha Males For Jesus Christ bootcamp. You looked at me with those sharp, immaculately hazel eyes, with your customized chrome barrel SPAS-12 in your firm hands and said "Sabor a Mi!" with a bright smile as you cocked your shaft....and now I have no one on this earth who I'd care for more than you...

Yeah so anyway Body Cam is alright.

Reviewed on Jun 09, 2024
